DuPont Building Systems

DuPont is a US based multinational company set up in 1802, having the company’s core purpose of being a world leader in science and technology and to deliver science based solutions that make a difference in people’s life. DuPont’s core values are safety & environment, ethics and respect for people. DuPont’s business values comprise of providing safe products and protecting the environment.

Since the initial discovery in 1955 that led to Tyvek®, DuPont has been a recognized global leader in selective barrier technology. Lightweight and durable, DuPont™ Tyvek® has introduced new dimensions of protection, security and safety in a wide variety of industries.

Newkem is a Business Partner, Distributor and Authorized Applicator of DuPont™ Tyvek® Insulation Systems, Dupont™ Airguard® and Tyvek® Weatherization Systems in India.

DuPont™ Airguard® DuPont™ CommercialWrap® DuPont™ Tyvek® Insulation

AirGuard® has been specifically developed for use as a reflective air leakage barrier (ALB). Its installation, as part of the internal lining, will help to reduce the rate of heat loss through the building fabric by conduction, convection and radiation.

Newkem and Dupont have synergized to serve together a state of the art weather barrier system with DuPont™ Tyvek® CommercialWrap®.

Newkem group has through an overseas collaboration/distributorship with Dupont, a US based multinational veteran company involved in diverse trade activities, including safety..

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DuPont™ Pond Liners DuPont™ Zemdrain®

DuPont™ Plantex® Liner and Xavan® Pond Liner is a double coated non-woven structure based on and Plantex® and Xavan®

DuPont™ Zemdrain® formwork liner offers a simple and very effective means of providing a concrete structure with a dense skin, capable of protecting steel reinforcement,and the concrete core, from the attack of aggressive elements.

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